• Ten pieces of really good advice

    Here’s a fact about me: I love a good quote. I collect them. In my 23 years, I’ve come across so many good ones; my favourites often written on scrap paper and stuck around my room. I’m always searching for new words of wisdom and I thought I’d share my current favourites from a few inspirational women. Girl power!

    There are so many quotes from Audrey – you can spot my favourite in my header. But this one I like to remember when I feel myself leaning towards superficiality, vanity or insecurity – and with being a fashion blogger in my early twenties that’s probably all too frequent. But then I’ll think about this, and use my time and energy to do something kind or useful instead. Because, let’s face it, being a lovely person makes you far more attractive than a great haircut ever will. 

    The happiest, most successful people are those who have found something they love and refused to let it go. If I could go back in time I would impart that advice to myself – it’s all too easy to feel sensible and give up the things you’re passionate about. Never do that! Clawing back my love of writing was probably the single greatest decision I ever made. 

    I think if I knew Emma Watson, we’d be best friends. This is pretty spot-on advice for everyone trying to suss out who they are, what they want in life and what they’re looking for in a partner. Which is… just about everyone! It’s easy to feel like having a relationship is a priority, right? But if you make loving yourself the priority before worrying about anyone else, you’ll feel good, make better decisions and attract better people. As Michael Scott would say: win-win-win. 

    This probably doesn’t apply for everyone. But I am certainly partial to minidresses bedecked with ribbons and splashed with glitter. I feel like I need to add another Zooey quote: “I’m just being myself. There is not an ounce of me that believes any of that crap  that they say. We can’t be feminine and feminists and successful? I want to be a f*cking feminism and wear a f*cking Peter Pan collar. So f*cking what?” – I am a sparkly pink feminist. My love of the Peter Pan collar doesn’t make me any less intelligent, hard-working, or strong than someone in a grey suit. I think if you want to wear pink, wear pink. Don’t ever be afraid of being judged. 

    This quote makes me wish I had one of those big spinning globes to play with. It’s always good to remind yourself how many adventures are out there to be had – you should never, ever feel bored – life is far too short and there’s so much to do. You can remind me of that next time I’m desperately tweeting from my commute to work.

    I think I originally read this quote in the Princess Diaries book series about 10 years ago – I’ve remembered it ever since. You can’t control what other people say or think – but you do have some control over how their words affects you. Whether it’s a friend, family member or colleague at work who’s hit a nerve, just remember: you’re fantastic. Hold your head up high and don’t listen to the haters. (I think about this when my friend reminds me I’m an idiot.)

    When I reignited my love for fashion and realised I wanted to write, I felt like I’d won a battle. I was so relieved – I’d been struggling for so long to find something I could be really passionate about and here it was. My new destiny. Sadly, sitting on my butt and watching Judge Judy re-runs wasn’t going to help me achieve my dream career. I worked my ass off (I will stop mentioning my posterior now) interning for several online magazines, which paid no money, to get the right experience and sharpen my skills. I took part-time jobs so I had time to write in the afternoons because I couldn’t face giving up writing – even though people encouraged me to just keep it as a hobby. But eventually my determination paid off and now my job is to write. Months on, I still smile to myself when I think about having achieved my goal. I’m such a cheese-ball. But to me, it’s proof that working hard and never giving up on your dreams works.

    Has anyone read Mindy’s book ‘Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns)‘? I loved it! She refused to give up on her passion – comedy. When you’re in scary new territory, just remember: someone has to be the first. Why can’t that be you? If you’re passionate about something, go for it and be your own trailblazer.

    As day-to-day advice goes, this is a gem. Getting obsessed about your weight is an easy trap to fall into and, long-term, it’s pretty awful for your mental health. Frankly, it’s easier to just throw away the scales and trust the waistband of your favourite jeans to let know whether or not you need to start taking the stairs a little more or cut down on the chocolate bars. Hopefully we can explore this topic a little more in a different post.

    When I grow up I want to be Helen Mirren. It can be hard to deal with when you know someone doesn’t have the best impression of you, but you know what? It’s almost never worth the effort of changing their mind. You will never win over everyone – just be yourself and find out who likes you for you. To put it another way – think of your very favourite celebrity. Now think of how many internet haters they have. Does that make you like them any less? Do you think those guys keep them up at night? No? Exactly. 

    I hope you enjoyed reading my favourite quotes – I’d love it if you shared your favourites in the comments section!