• Step into Christmas

    It’s December! 

    I wanted to share a few of the things that are making me feel festive this month. Enjoy!

    Food, flicks and fluffy duvets

    I discovered Snow Bites one chilly day in 2011. Every winter since, I’ve hunted them down and bought several bags at a time! They’re delicious. In case you’ve never tried one, they’re solid chocolate balls in a crispy sugar shell (sort of like a Smartie) and dusted with white icing sugar. At least, I think it’s icing sugar…. whatever it is, it’s addictive. 
    Let’s not forget Frosty Fancies and Festive Friends (the latter I couldn’t source for the photo shoot, sad times), as well as Thornton’s chocolate lollipops. Lovely. The ultimate Christmas snack is, of course, the mighty Chocolate Orange – but I know I’ll have accumulated a small grove’s worth in Christmas presents, so, for now, I’m holding off. 
    I found these heart shaped bowls while on a trip for festive bits’n’bobs at Wilkinsons (not strictly festive, are they?) and thought they’d be perfect for presenting my snacks. My favourite purchase has to be this amazing glass mug though, it’s a thing of beauty! Especially when filled to the brim with delicious frothy hot chocolate (Aero Bubble is my current favourite) and piled high with whipped cream and marshmallows! And it was only £2 from Asda. I’m one of those people who gets very distracted when food shopping. 

    But this post couldn’t be solely about food, could it? I’ve thrown in my supremely attractive squirrel pyjamas, which are ridiculously fluffy. So fluffy, in fact, that I become roughly 1000 degrees Celsius after wearing them for an hour. 
    I’m also in love with my duvet set, which I got on a pre-festive whim about two months ago. I was originally seduced by the stylish reindeer motif (or are they stags?), but when they arrived I found they were made from brushed cotton, which is the most delicious thing to sleep in/touch/curl up with. Thanks Tesco. You did good. I found a very cheap brushed cotton bedsheet in Primani too, which is on theme. Bedtime is now my favourite. 
    Finally, DVD’s. I’m an avid film watcher at the best of times, but December brings out a desire to watch all the Christmas films. This is what my ‘To Watch’ list currently looks like. Now to combine the bed, snacks and films – and I have the perfect night in. 

    What are you favourite festive things? Leave me your list in the comments! 

    1 Comment

    1. December 16, 2014 / 10:42 pm

      That nuts about you top is too cute. My fav festive things would have to be christmas jumpers, glitter, decorations, hot chocolate at the christmas market, and ice skating if i still lived in London. xx Sabine